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Cosmetics, by their nature, must ensure that the product is of good quality and that the product is safe for consumers.
Currently, the cosmetics industry is demanding the implementation of GMP, a good manufacturing practice, for all products sold in Europe, the United States, Japan and ASEAN where stringent requirements apply.
The ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, and ISO 22716 requirements are international standards that can be applied to enhance the competitiveness of the cosmetics industry.


  1. ISO 22716 is published as "Cosmetics GMP (Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices)" on November 15, 2007 as an international cosmetic standard.
     In ISO 22716, the competitiveness of the implementation and maintenance of the cosmetic quality system (work system) as well as the manufacturing facility standards (GMP) of the cosmetics companies is a very important evaluation factor.
    The international community is also strengthening legal regulations by institutionalizing mandatory compliance with cosmetic GMP, and strengthening the introduction and application of ISO 22716, the GMP standard for cosmetics, in order to enhance the competitiveness of cosmetic manufacturing companies.


ISO 22716:2007(en): Cosmetics — Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) — Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices


< > EFfCI has incorporated the cosmetic GMP requirements for cosmetic raw material companies into the requirements of ISO 9001 international standards.It is a standard that must be provided for export according to European GMP compliance regulations.
This is an international standard for cosmetic ingredients approved by the European Cosmetic Ingredient Association (EFfCI).
EFfCI is the abbreviation of the European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients.
EFfCI specification is as follows. 


GMP Guide for Cosmetic Ingredients Including the Certification Standard and Scheme for GMP for Cosmetic Ingredients (Version 2013)


3) ISO 15378 is an international standard that can be certified by the manufacturer of cosmetic / medical equipment packaging materials, adding the requirements of the packing material standard to the requirements of the quality management system (ISO 9001).
he official name of the ISO 15378 packaging material is «Primary packaging for pharmaceuticals: Special requirements for the application of ISO 9001: 2008 with reference to GMP».


ISO 15378:2011 (Primary packaging materials for medicinal products -- Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008, with reference to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP))
