GPC is a globalized certification body through international
cooperation such as management system, product certification,
and applied testing. GPC can provide too training of auditors and
support registration.
GPC will be as a world class certification by continuous development of men-power of
GPC through learning and participation of global training courses.
GPC team composed of experiences and specialized with technical background for certification of management system and product certification.
Their capacity based on trustworthy and fairness to ensure impartiality and also for continuous improvement of ability as experts.
Your cooperation with GPC will be a promise for a bright future of your business.
Introduction of GPC's Medical Device partener IRCM
The certifying agency Istituto di Ricerche e Collaudi M. Masini: a leader in product certification. The product certification performed by a certifying body such as ours exceeds the professionalism and becomes a true passion for our work .
In addition to the notifications of the Italian State and the European Union (notified body 0068), accreditations (ACCREDIA EU) and numerous ministerial authorizations that enable us to issue certificates and marks of conformity (CE mark ) correspond to national and Community legislation (EU directives), what sets our business of certifying body is the undisputed fame, attribuitaci from the market, as a body of proven reliability.
The experience gained through years of work as a certifying body in contact with the companies, puts us in a position to relate to clients as partners and problem solvers than as mere providers of services.
The product certification and testing activities cover a wide range of industries including food, chemical, ecological, construction, building products, electrical, mechanical, metallurgical, textile and health care.
Every year more than 1000 companies in Italy and Europe require the services offered by our laboratories for product certification. It is a wealth of expertise and knowledge of the various types of machinery, processes and artifacts , unique in the industry , which allows us to offer producers retailers the certainty of tests carried out with care and precision such as to make sure of the conformity of products that exceed our tests.